ELIZA is your new robotic teacher - (ask-a-question and you'll get a curious answer!)

[ + ] TODAY: We have an awfully Grumpy teacher, (ELIZA), who is just waiting to answer all your wonderfull questions!:

Ask your teacher what the weather is doing today!

Remember: Be polite, she really is bonkers today!!

Talk to your Grumpy teacher- on the key issues why you cannot eat in class...

1. Start: Ask your question: click the TALK LIVE to your TEACHER! - . PRESS button above for angry reply' (See button above).
2. Finish: When you may want to leave this conversation just say 'GOODBYE', or type 'QUIT' and the
Teacher will acknowledge your request.

ELIZA is a natural language conversation program described by Joseph Weizenbaum in January 1966 . It features the dialogue between a human user and a computer program representing a mock Rogerian psychotherapist. This concept has been updated (by me) and adapted to mimic a not typical online teacher session. See if you can spot the difference! Are they really that angry? You'll only find out when you ask-them-a-question!

Any coincidence to chance remarks and real life situations are intended purely for a bit of fun and ridicule.*

Original programming credits: "elizabot.js" by © Norbert Landsteiner 2005;
mass:werk - media environments.

Last update: 24th February 2021. |

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